
Washington, DC Were You Injured in a Construction Zone Accident?

It seems there’s always some type of road maintenance or construction going on in DC. These projects are needed to improve the quality of roads and beltways in our state. However, they can tie up traffic and put construction workers and drivers at risk.

Cases of serious car or truck accidents occurring in DC road construction and work zones are becoming far too common. When such accidents happen, the people involved suffer traumatic and potentially life-threatening injuries. In some cases, negligence and wrongdoing are the causes of a road construction injury. If you are involved in a serious construction zone car accident, there is help available to get compensation for your injuries.

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How Can Our Top DC Construction Zone Accident Lawyers Help?

If you’ve suffered a serious injury in a road construction zone, you need an experienced Washington, DC car accident lawyer in your corner. The DC construction zone accident lawyer at Regan Zambri Long PLLC has helped many families in Washington, DC pursue maximum compensation for car and truck crash injuries and losses. Call for a free consultation today – we do not charge a fee for our services unless we win.

Why Hire Us for Your Construction Zone Car Accident Lawsuit?

We have the experience and knowledge to take on complex construction zone car accident cases. For instance, our lead attorney, Patrick M. Regan, was named one of the “Top Ten Power Lawyers in Washington” in matters of personal injury. Another one of our lawyers, Victor E. Long, has been listed in Best Lawyers for Washington, DC, and Baltimore for 10 years running.

We lend our personal attention and care to every injury case we accept. You’ll meet directly with a Washington, DC car accident lawyer, not a paralegal, and receive information about your case along the way through honest and open communication.

We have the resources to support every one of your needs. Our accident lawyers can connect you to subject matter experts, accident investigators, state-of-the-art medical treatments, and negotiators to help you fight for and win your deserved compensation.

When you hire a personal injury lawyer for your car accident, you want an injury attorney who has a successful track record in construction zone accidents. And as you can see, our track record in car accident lawsuits is impressive. For example, in one case, we obtained a $14 million settlement for the victims of an automobile collision. In another lawsuit, we won a $10 million settlement for a woman injured in a car crash.

Are Construction Zone Car Accidents Common in Washington, DC?

The District of Columbia Motor Vehicle Code defines a work zone as a portion of a highway or beltway that fulfills the following conditions:

  • The area is between work zone signs.
  • An area in which a work crew and a stationary or moving vehicle with a rotating strobe light or beacon are performing construction work, utility work, or maintenance.
  • The area in which there are more than one motor vehicle and a work crew conducting utility, maintenance, or construction work between signs that designate the beginning and ending of a work convoy.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, between 2018 and 2019, the number of fatal crashes in work zones had increased by 11 percent in the United States. The majority of the accidents involved a commercial vehicle such as a tractor trailer. Speeding was a factor in 31% of fatal accidents. And rear-end collisions make up 24% of the fatal construction zone accidents.

The Regan Zambri Long PLLC represents workers, motorists, and others injured in a work zone accident in DC. Call for a free consultation with our Washington, DC car accident attorney to discuss your legal rights and options.

What Are The Causes of Car Accidents in DC Construction Zones?

The FHWA reports that while poor conditions and adverse weather can make road construction accidents more likely to occur, the dangerous driving habits of motorists are often the underlying cause.

Actions that can put DC construction zone workers and drivers in danger include:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and even over-the-counter medications
  • Disregarding traffic signage
  • Speeding and aggressive driving
  • Fatigued or drowsy driving
  • Following too closely or tailgating
  • Distracted driving, such as texting or using cell phones while on the road

Other hazards unique to road construction zones include:

  • Dangerous curves and defective guard rails (especially along the 64-mile Capital Beltway)
  • Dangerous or misplaced road construction barricades and markers
  • Inadequate road construction markings and safety warnings
  • Inadequate shoulders and hazardous drop-offs
  • Malfunctioning traffic signals
  • Missing or improper stop signs
  • Confusing traffic patterns
  • Narrowed lanes

A construction zone car accident may not only be caused by the site itself – but it could also be caused by a bad street waiting to be repaired. Either way, these hazards could lead to one-car accidents, traffic collisions, or the rolling of your truck or car, resulting in devastating injuries.

The clock starts ticking when you’re injured in a DC construction zone car crash. Whether you were hurt by a reckless driver, confusing signage, or poor road design, you must act fast before your rights to receive compensation disappear. You need to file a construction zone car accident lawsuit right away. Our Washington, DC car accident lawyer can get you started with all the paperwork.

What Are the Common Injuries Sustained in a Work Zone Car Crash?

Construction zone car accidents in Washington, DC can cause serious and life-threatening injuries. These include:

  • Head and brain injuries, including traumatic brain injuries
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Internal bleeding
  • Paralysis
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Amputations
  • Damage to or failure of internal organs
  • Burns, scarring, and disfigurement

In addition to the physical injuries incurred in a work zone car crash, victims might also suffer a variety of emotional disorders. Fear, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other emotional disorders may impair an individual’s ability to work or socialize in the future. The sooner you hire a qualified car accident lawsuit lawyer, the quicker you can get your life back on track.

Can Construction Workers Sue After a Construction Zone Accident?

Construction workers put their lives at risk when working in a construction zone. Not only are they using heavy machinery, but the cars flying past them are always a threat to their safety. All it takes is one distracted driver or fatigued truck driver to cause a workplace injury.

If a construction zone worker is injured while on the job, they are eligible to receive workers’ compensation. If the accident was caused by a reckless driver, then the worker can also file a third party lawsuit against that driver for additional compensation.

But what if a construction worker dies as a result of a negligent driver? In this case, the family members of the worker may file a wrongful death lawsuit against that driver.

If you were injured while working at a construction zone anywhere in the DC Metro area, you have options available. Contact our construction zone accident lawyer today to discuss your claim.

Why Choose Regan Zambri Long as Your DC Construction Zone Accident Lawyers?

If you or a family member has suffered injuries in a road construction car crash in Washington, you may be eligible for substantial compensation. However, time is of the essence when it comes to filing your claim. We encourage you to take advantage of our free case evaluation as soon as possible.

From the moment you hire our firm, an entire legal team goes to work for you, and we won’t stop until we earn you the compensation you deserve. Backed by more than 100 years of combined experience, Regan Zambri Long PLLC has a reputation for protecting clients’ rights every step of the way. To understand what options you might have, call us today at 202-960-4596. We only receive attorney fees if we recover a settlement or favorable verdict on your behalf. Don’t wait any longer; contact your partners for justice now.

Frequently Asked Questions About Construction Zone Accidents in Washington, DC

What Should I Do After a Construction Zone Car Accident?

Immediately after a construction zone car or truck accident, there are steps you should take to ensure you’re acting in your best interest:

  • Phone the police and give them an honest and complete account of what happened before and during the accident.
  • Gather statements from witnesses to the accident. Take photos of the damage, the road conditions, the signage, the crash scene, and your injuries. This evidence will help your Washington, DC car accident lawyer construct a strong case.
  • When speaking to the work zone crew or other drivers about the collision, state only facts. Don’t apologize and don’t admit fault, even if that seems rude. It could make you look guilty later on when you file a personal injury claim.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you feel okay. If you wait to treat your injuries later on, these damages possibly won’t be included in your claim. That means your chances of receiving compensation will drop significantly.
  • Get in touch with an experienced car accident lawsuit lawyer before communicating with the other party’s insurance firm. Insurance companies try to settle for less than what you might be entitled to, so it’s best to let an attorney handle this aspect of your case.

When Can the Government or the Construction Company be Held Responsible for a Construction Zone Car Accident?

The government or the construction company may be held liable for a work zone accident if they:

  • Did not properly mark temporary lanes for drivers to follow
  • Failed to guide traffic where necessary
  • Neglected to sign off a hazardous area, such as a hole in the roadway
  • Left construction equipment in the road where it was dangerous to drivers
  • Failed to alert drivers using adequate detour signs and/or warning signs

Who Else Can be Deemed Liable for a Washington, DC Construction Zone Car Accident?

Other than the construction company and the government, the following parties may be liable for damages in a road construction car accident:

  • Motorists driving through the work zone
  • Subcontractors
  • Road construction employees
  • Safety inspection companies
  • Equipment suppliers and manufacturers

Road construction crashes are often complex and involve multiple parties. To identify the responsible parties and recover maximum compensation for your injuries, it’s important to get in touch with a skilled Washington, DC car accident attorney.

How Soon Should You Hire a Lawyer After a Construction Zone Car Accident in Washington, DC?

Due to time limits on road construction car accident claims, an investigation into your crash must start immediately. Evidence disappears quickly. When that happens, your case could be over before it even starts. A skilled, high-caliber Washington, DC car accident attorney can speed up the process and help you gather enough evidence to swing the case in your favor. Don’t settle for any other attorney when you can have the best.

What Compensation Can I Get for a Washington, DC Work Zone Accident?

The victims of a road construction crash might be entitled to compensation for a variety of damages incurred. The types of damages eligible for compensation and the amount of compensation will depend on the circumstances and facts of the accident.

Depending on your case, you might be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, including surgery, emergency room visits, medical supplies, therapy sessions, etc.
  • Loss of income, including lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, and loss of future income.
  • Future damages for the ongoing loss of income and medical care
  • Personal care, if you need a hand with household chores or other personal needs
  • Physical, mental, and emotional pain and suffering
  • Impairment, disfigurement, scarring, or disability
  • If you’re a construction worker or if you are driving for work, you may apply for workers’ compensation benefits

If you are looking for a lawyer to represent you in a lawsuit in order to obtain compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages, we can help. The car accident lawsuit attorneys at Regan Zambri Long PLLC are the best in the business. So, feel free to get in touch with us at your earliest convenience.

What Are Some Tips for Driving Safely in a Construction Work Zone in DC?

The Federal Highway Association gives the following tips for driving safely in and around construction zones:

  • Don’t ignore posted road signs and road crew flagger instructions: Road signs and flagmen are there for a reason. To assist drivers to maneuver safely through a construction zone and stop you when the road ahead is blocked.
  • Slow down when indicated: Speeding accounts for approximately 26% of all work zone fatalities. If the signs indicate to minimize your speed, do so. Follow designated speed limits until you’re out of the work zone.
  • Expect the unexpected: You never know what to expect in a DC road construction zone. Things can change in an instant. Traffic can come to a stop without warning or construction equipment or crew can cross the beltway out of nowhere. It’s up to you to stay vigilant at all times.
  • Don’t tailgate: Rear-end collisions are common in road construction zones, not just in DC but across the country. In fact, these types of crashes account for 28% of all automobile accidents. Keeping a safe distance (at least 4 seconds) from the car or truck ahead of you, including construction workers and equipment, will significantly reduce your chances of an accident.
  • Don’t drive distracted: Now is not the time to engage in phone calls or sing to your favorite music. Those can wait. Your attention should be on the road and only on the road while maneuvering a construction zone.

Exercise patience: Remember, construction crews are there to improve your future driving experience by widening or repairing the road or beltway. So, be patient and stay calm until you’re in the clear.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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