
Arlington, Virginia Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

When You or a Loved One Suffers a Brain Injury in Arlington, Turn to the Lawyers at Regan Zambri Long

Hospital bills, rehabilitation services, home modifications, and expensive medical equipment can push the financial costs of a traumatic brain injury into millions of dollars over a lifetime. Additionally, a severe TBI can prevent you from returning to your job or working at all. However, if you or a loved one suffered a TBI, then you may have options to recover compensation from the parties responsible for your injury. Depending on the circumstances, one or more parties may be liable for damages.

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What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Of course, any injury to the brain, indeed any injury, is traumatic for victims. But a brain injury or traumatic brain damage has specific medical definitions.

At the core, brain damage results from injuries that cause the destruction or deterioration of brain cells. There are two different types — traumatic brain injuries and acquired brain injuries.

  • Traumatic brain injuries result from an external force that causes the brain to move inside or damage the skull.
  • Acquired brain injuries occur at a cellular level and are most often associated with pressure on the brain, such as a tumor or stroke.
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How Can I Spot a Traumatic Brain Injury?

It can be difficult to spot a brain injury. Symptoms of brain injuries vary depending on the type and severity of the injury sustained and sometimes do not appear immediately.

Common Symptoms of a Brain Injury

  • Difficulty processing information
  • Difficulty expressing thoughts
  • Difficulty understanding others
  • Shortened attention span
  • Impaired decision-making ability
  • Memory loss
  • Change in senses, including the ability to see, hear, smell, or touch
  • Sudden and unexplained slurred speech
  • Loss of consciousness or fainting
  • Irritability and impatience
  • Reduced tolerance for stress
  • Sluggishness
  • Flattened or heightened emotions and reactions

Because the symptoms of a brain injury are so difficult to predict, and because you may not always be able to detect symptoms right away yourself, if you or a loved one is injured due to someone else’s negligence, you should always seek medical treatment, even if you feel that your injuries were mild.

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What Can an Arlington Brain Injury Lawyer Do For You?

Put simply, a brain injury attorney ensures that you have the resources you need to recover properly from your injury and to rebuild your life. An experienced personal injury lawyer can handle getting you the compensation you deserve, while you and your family stay focused on moving forward.

But following a brain injury, not just any personal injury lawyer will do. The brain is one of, if not the, most complex organ in the body. Therefore, brain injuries are far more complex than many other types of injuries. For that reason, while there are hundreds of personal injury lawyers in and around Arlington, it’s important that you have a lawyer experienced with, and comfortable bringing, a brain injury lawsuit on your side.

This is because the law is both unique and complex, and the medical evidence necessary to prove your injuries, and the ways that they will impact your life will be extremely technical. To ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve, you will need a lawyer familiar with TBI diagnoses and the unique challenges they pose.

At Regan Zambri Long, we have helped many people seek justice after a serious brain injury caused by someone else’s negligence. We’re ready to fight for you.

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Can I have a TBI and not know it?

Yes, it is possible to have a traumatic brain injury and not know it right away. Because many TBIs result from closed head injuries (meaning there are no cuts or open wounds), they are not always immediately apparent, especially if the victim does not lose consciousness.

If you are experiencing any or multiple of the symptoms of a brain injury discussed above, or even if you just generally don’t feel “right” or “normal” after an injury, you should go to a doctor immediately for further examination and treatment. The longer a brain injury is left untreated, the more serious the complications can become. For that reason, it’s always better to have a medical professional check it out.

Furthermore, the medical records following these examinations can be invaluable in any future personal injury lawsuit.

What Can I Do For a Loved One Experiencing a TBI?

Some of the ways you can help a loved one experiencing a serious brain injury are very simple, such as keeping your communication clear and direct. State your name when you greet them, speak slowly and allow plenty of time for your loved one to respond. If your loved one is searching for a word, give them a minute to do so; if they have not found the word at that point, you can guess at what they’re trying to say so that they don’t reach a point of frustration. You can also help your loved one feel grounded and connected to their life by singing familiar songs and showing pictures of friends and family.

The Mayo Clinic has a helpful set of guidelines for additional ways to support your loved one.

And of course, you can help ensure that they receive the compensation owed to them by hiring the experienced attorneys at Regan Zambri Long. We receive no payment unless we win for you. Contact us today for your free consultation.

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How Regan Zambri Long Can Help Your TBI Claim in Arlington

Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney at Regan Zambri Long can help you in the event that you or a loved one is suffering from a traumatic brain injury. For example, we can help:

Answer Questions

Following any kind of brain injury, you are going to have questions. What exactly takes place with the insurance? Do you agree to the terms of the deal that have been presented to you? What should you do if the individual who caused the injury tells you that you can “work it out” and don’t need to involve the insurance companies? In order to allow you to focus on getting better, our brain injury lawyer will respond to any questions you have and handle any interactions with insurance companies on your behalf.

Collect the Evidence

After suffering a traumatic brain injury, you may need to file a personal injury lawsuit. If this is the case, working with a brain injury attorney can assist you with your claim. We are able to draft demand letters, become involved in the negotiation process at an early stage in order to ensure that your interests are represented, and present your case in an informal manner. Early advocacy can help you get the relief you need quickly and without having to resort to formal legal action if you use these methods.

To protect your case, we will need evidence to prove who is responsible. We collaborate closely with investigators, expert witnesses, and medical professionals to ensure that you receive adequate compensation for your medical expenses, rehabilitation, long-term care, lost wages, and lost earning potential, as well as for the pain and suffering you have endured as a result of the accident.

Represent You in the Legal System

If our experienced brain injury attorneys can’t get you the results you need through aggressive early advocacy, we are ready and willing to take the case all the way to court on your behalf. You are not just another case to us, and because of this, Regan Zambri Long is prepared to see your case through to its conclusion regardless of the opponent.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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