
What to Do If No One Gets a Ticket After a DC Car Accident

When determining fault in a car accident, most people assume that the driver who receives a traffic ticket from an officer is the at-fault party. However, that is not always the case. What happens when no motorist is issued a traffic ticket by the responding officer? Learn how fault is determined in a Washington, DC car crash and how a DC car accident attorney can help you with your accident lawsuit.

If you were injured in a car accident in Washington, DC, Regan Zambri Long is here to help. Contact our auto accident attorneys today to schedule a free consultation. There is no fee unless we win your case.

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Does A Ticket Automatically Prove Fault For a DC Car Crash?

Throughout different jurisdictions within the U.S., there are various car accident laws. In certain states, a police officer must arrive at the crash scene and inspect the damages. In others, police officers respond only to auto collisions where there is an injury. However, in Washington, DC, you must contact law enforcement. This serves several purposes.

First, a police officer can help you collect contact information, witness statements, and an accident report.
Second, an officer will determine who likely violated traffic laws and issue a citation to the allegedly liable party. Yet, what most do not know is that an officer does not determine civil liability for damages. Instead, that is up to a judge or jury to decide.

Why Are Tickets Issued After a Car Accident in Washington, DC?

While receiving a ticket after a car accident can feel like adding insult to injury, responding police officers typically write a ticket when the evidence at the scene shows that someone committed a traffic violation.

Although a ticket can affect your resulting personal injury claim, it doesn’t guarantee or prohibit compensation.

Can I Still Pursue Compensation If I Receive a Ticket?

Yes, you can pursue compensation even if no one was ticketed after your accident. Not writing a ticket doesn’t mean that no one was at fault, it simply means that the responding officer didn’t have enough evidence immediately available to make a judgment of fault.

Your car accident attorney will investigate to determine who was at fault and proceed with your claim accordingly.

How Will a Ticket Impact My Car Accident Case?

A ticket represents the responding officer’s judgment of fault. Although this may come into play as your claim proceeds, your insurance company, the other driver’s insurance company, and your respective lawyers will all conduct independent investigations to make their own judgments of fault.

If your case proceeds to a trial, a judge and jury will listen to the evidence and arguments of the lawyers to reach their judgments of the fault and render a final verdict. While the responding officer’s judgment may be a weighty piece of evidence in a trial, it isn’t guaranteed to seal the case one way or the other.

Why You Need a DC Car Crash Lawyer After a Car Accident 

After an officer responds to your accident and you make a claim with the appropriate insurance company, you should find a local car accident attorney. There are several reasons why, including:

  • Your lawyer can inform you of what to do or avoid doing. If you’ve never been in a car accident before, you may not know what you should and shouldn’t be doing. By speaking with an experienced car accident attorney, they can give you advice on what to avoid saying to the insurance companies and what you should be doing, like following your doctor’s advice about your injuries.
  • It will be easier to start the investigation process. Even if you believe you are at fault for an accident, this might not be true. It’s important to start the investigation process so that you can have all the facts about your accident before proceeding. Your attorney will be able to get evidence that you may not be able to get on your own, like footage from any traffic cameras in the area.
  • Your attorney can help you decide whether to take legal action. Not all car accidents may need legal action; however, if it’s difficult to determine who is at fault for the crash, it’s best to have a car accident lawyer on your side. They can advise you on what your next steps should be.
  • A car accident attorney can negotiate on your behalf. In addition, your attorney will speak and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. It might be the difference between receiving a reduced claim and being paid in full for all your damages.

Why Choose a DC Car Accident Attorney at Regan Zambri Long?

Regan Zambri LongRegan Zambri Long has been practicing personal injury law in Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland for more than 25 years. Our law firm is recognized by press and peers alike as top-tier lawyers who win on behalf of our clients.

When you entrust your case to Regan Zambri Long, you entrust it to lawyers who will work tirelessly on your behalf without adding any additional drain on your resources. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t get paid unless we win compensation for you.

You can schedule your free case review today online or by calling 202-960-4596.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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