Posted by: Salvatore J. Zambri, founding partner
The National Safety Council (NSC) announced today least 28% of all traffic crashes (translating into at least 1.6 million crashes per year) are caused by drivers texting or using cell phones. According to its website, “NSC estimates that 1.4 million crashes each year are caused by drivers using cell phones and a minimum of 200,000 additional crashes each year are caused by drivers who are texting. The announcement came on the one-year anniversary of NSC’s call for a ban on all cell phone use and texting while driving.”
It is clear that texting while driving is more dangerous than driving while using a cell phone. However, so far, many more people use the cell phone while driving than text while behind the wheel. That is why there are more crashes caused by cell phone use. However, as the NSC acknowledges, texting while driving has reached crisis levels too.
“This new estimate provides critical data for legislators, business leaders and individuals to evaluate the threat and need for legislation, business policies and personal actions to prevent cell phone use and texting while driving,” said Janet Froetscher, president & CEO of the National Safety Council. “There was great progress made in 2009, particularly regarding a broad recognition that texting is dangerous. We now need the same broad consensus that recognizes cell phone use while driving causes even more crashes.”
Support for laws banning cell phone use while driving is gaining momentum. I understand the need to be able to communicate. However, lives are at stake. Never text while driving. If you need to use your phone, pull off the road or be sure to at least use your phone in hands-free mode.
Remember, all it takes is a moment of distracted driving to cause a serious, life-altering collision.
Travel safe.
About the author:
Mr. Zambri is a Past-President of the Trial Lawyers Association of Metropolitan Washington, D.C. and has been rated by Washingtonian magazine as a “Big Gun” and among the “top 1%” of all lawyers in the Washington metropolitan area. The magazine also describes him as “one of Washington’s best–most honest and effective lawyers” who specializes in personal injury matters, including serious truck and car collisions. He has successfully litigated numerous cases against truck and bus companies, the Washington Metropolitan Area transit Authority, and other automobile owners. His law firm, in fact, has obtained the largest settlement ever in a personal injury case involving WMATA. Mr. Zambri has also been named a “Super Lawyer” by Super Lawyer magazine–a national publication that honors the top lawyers in America.
Mr. Zambri is regularly asked to give presentations to lawyers and businesses regarding product defects, automobile accident litigation, and safety improvements.
Many Americans are killed or critically injured each year in vehicular collisions. If you want more information about your legal rights, please email Mr. Zambri at or call him at 202-822-1899.