
Beltway Car Accident Lawyer

Injured in a Capital Beltway Car Accident?

The Capital Beltway is the 64-mile Interstate 495 highway that runs through Maryland and Virginia while encircling Washington DC. Some estimates record up to 225,000 travelers on the Beltway every day. As we all know, the more volume on the road, the higher chances are for car accidents.

If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident on the Capital Beltway, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. The Regan Zambri Long car accident lawyers practice in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. We are well-versed in the laws of all three jurisdictions and are confident we can secure the compensation you deserve. We offer free initial consultations where you will have a chance to speak with an expert DC Metro attorney who can help you navigate the claims process.

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What Types of Car Accidents Happen on the Capital Beltway?

According to the Federal Highway Administration, the most common type of car accident that occurs on the Capital Beltway is rear-end collisions, making up 44% of the Beltway crashes. Rear-end collisions are when one car crashes into a car that is traveling in front of it.

Another 17% of Capital Beltway car accidents are sideswipe accidents, which is when two vehicles traveling next to each other in the same direction make contact. These accidents can be especially dangerous because the impact of the crash can cause one or both of the vehicles to spin out. The cars can spin out into oncoming traffic, or create a hazard in the roadway that other cars may not be able to avoid.

Other common types of car accidents that can happen on the Capital Beltway are:

$77M Wrongful Death Settlement
$20M Brain Injury Verdict
$19.5M Wrongful Death Verdict
$16M Premises Liability Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Verdict
$15M Medical Malpractice Settlement
$14M Personal Injury Settlement
$14M Car Accident Settlement

Capital Beltway Truck Accidents

The Capital Beltway allows both cars and commercial trucks to travel on the interstate. While commercial vehicles are essential to the U.S. economy, sharing the road with them can be dangerous for regular passenger vehicles. Tractor-trailers and semi-truckscan be more than 20 times the size of a regular car. Because of the difference in size and weight, the impact of a crash with a commercial vehicle can be devastating to the passengers in a regular passenger vehicle.

Common types of truck accidents that can occur on the Capital Beltway are:

  • Rollover accidents
  • Jackknife accidents
  • Head-on collisions
  • Underride accidents
  • Sideswipe accidents
  • T-bone accidents

If you or your loved one were injured in a truck accident on the Capital Beltway, the Regan Zambri Long truck accident lawyers can help secure the maximum amount of compensation. Truck accidents can be physically, emotionally, and financially devastating for victims and their families. Allow the Regan Zambri Long truck accident attorneys to protect your rights.

5 stars patrick regan

Holding Liable Parties Accountable in Beltway Accidents

When a car accident is caused by negligence, the victims of the car accident deserve to be financially compensated for the injuries they sustain. At Regan Zambri Long, our car accident lawyers firmly believe you should not have to pay for someone else’s mistakes. If you were in a car accident on the Capital Beltway that was caused by the reason listed above, call Regan Zambri Long for a free consultation with a seasoned car accident lawyer. We will walk you through the claims process and go over all possible legal avenues.

Our lawyers will determine which party or parties are at fault for the accident and then aggressively pursue the maximum amount of damages possible. Your car accident attorney will fight for compensation for:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental and emotional anguish
  • Wrongful death
  • Loss of consortium

Your Regan Zambri Long lawyer will investigate the scene of the accident, work with experts to reconstruct the accident, consult with medical professionals, obtain the police report, and speak to eyewitnesses. No stone will be left unturned. Call today to get the process started.

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What Are Common Causes of Beltway Car Accidents?

There are many causes of car accidents, and many of them cannot be prevented. However, when a car accident happens because of negligence, then the people responsible must be held accountable for their actions.

According to National Law Review, the top common causes of car accidents are:

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is anything that takes the driver’s focus off driving, including texting, checking emails, putting on makeup, using the radio or navigation system, eating, and even talking to passengers. The consequences of distracted driving are deadly. In fact, in 2020 alone, over 3,000 people were killed due to distracted driving.

Drowsy Driving

Drivers are not always fully alert before getting behind the wheel. Late nights, long work hours, and stressful home lives can all cause someone to drive while they are fatigued. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that there were 91,000 car accidents in 2017 caused directly by drowsy driving, leading to 50,000 injuries and 800 deaths.


Speeding is a form of reckless driving that is unfortunately all too common among U.S. drivers. Speeding increases the stopping distance it takes for a car to slow down. For heavy commercial trucks, speeding is particularly dangerous, especially when they are carrying cargo. Speeding reduces the driver’s control when they maneuver around curves and unexpected turns and it limits the effects of airbags and other safety devices in a car.

Drug/Alcohol impairment

We have been taught since we were children that you should never get behind the wheel if you are impaired by drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, many drivers traveling on the Capital Beltway and across the United States ignore that very basic warning. In May 2020, WTOP (a local news source in the DC Metro Area) reported that drunk driving crashes were up by 0.56% in the area. The Capital Beltway has seen its share of impaired driving accidents, sending multiple passengers to the hospital.

Mechanical Defects

Sometimes, car accidents can be caused by something that was done weeks or months before the actual crash. If a driver fails to properly maintain his or her vehicle, they run a higher risk of breakdown on the road, causing an accident. Tire blowouts, faulty lights, defective brakes, and engine failure can cause car accidents with catastrophic outcomes.

Bad Weather and Poor Road Conditions

The Capital Beltway has undergone multiple construction projects to help maintain the roadways. However, potholes and uneven pavement continue to be a cause of car accidents. Inclement weather, especially rain, snow, and ice can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles causing single or multi-car accidents.

What Are Common Types of Car Accident Injuries?

The most common types of physical injuries a car accident victim can sustain are:

Beltway car accident victims can also suffer emotional injuries, as well. Car accident victims often suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following their accident. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that is triggered by a terrifying event. Symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, reliving the accident, sleep disturbances, and severe emotional distress. While some victims can recover from PTSD, it can emotionally cripple others and linger for years after the accident.

All these injuries have one thing in common: they are expensive to treat. No driver gets on the Capital Beltway expecting to be in an accident. Because these injuries are so unexpected, very few victims are financially prepared for the additional medical costs. That is why car accidents can send even the wealthiest of victims into the throes of extreme financial distress. With a Regan Zambri Long car accident lawyer by your side, we will build a rock-solid case around your claim to secure fair compensation that will offset all the medical costs from your accident.

Work with a Skilled Car Accident Attorney

The Regan Zambri Long car accident lawyers have secured millions for their clients, including a $14 million settlement for an automobile collision. When you hire a Regan Zambri Long car accident lawyer, you have a legal advocate who deeply understands the stress you are under.

Countless testimonials praise our lawyers’ bedside manner and their expert knowledge of DC, Virginia, and Maryland laws. Our clients know we have their back and that we will tirelessly fight for justice and fair compensation.

Our founding partners, Patrick Regan, Salvatore Zambri, and Victor Long, are routinely featured in Best Lawyers and the National Law Journal. Our car accident lawyers are constantly prepared to bring the claim to trial. Smaller firms in the DC area often refer cases to Regan Zambri Long because they know our car accident lawyers have the financial backing and the resources to take on large insurance companies. You can rest assured, that your lawyer will be with you until the very end of your case.

Our promise to our clients: we do not get paid unless we win. Your initial consultation is always free. Call today to speak with a car accident attorney who will act as your legal counsel, advocate, and friend.

5 stars Catastrophic injury lawyer Salvatore Zambri works at his desk

Need Legal Help with a Capital Beltway Car Accident?

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Frequently Asked Questions About Capital Beltway Car Accidents

Q: What if I am partially at fault for my car accident?

A: Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC practice contributory negligence. Under contributory negligence, the plaintiff (the person who files the personal injury claim) cannot recover compensation if they were in any way negligent in causing the accident. Many defense lawyers jump to using contributory negligence as an easy out for their clients. The Regan Zambri Long car accident lawyers will not allow that to happen. We will build a case that proves you, in no way, played a role in the car accident.

Make sure to avoid talking to the other driver, or the other driver’s insurance provider without having a Regan Zambri Long car accident lawyer by your side. Do not say anything that could be misconstrued as admitting fault.

Q: How long do I have to file a car accident claim?

A: The time limit to filing a personal injury claim is called a statute of limitations. The statute of limitations varies from state to state: In Maryland and Washington DC, the statute of limitations is three years. However, in Virginia, car accident victims only have two years to file a claim. While two and three years may seem like a long time, if the deadline is missed, you may forfeit any compensation you were owed. Your Regan Zambri Long lawyer, along with preparing your case and negotiating with the insurance companies, will make sure all the paperwork is correct and filed on time. While you focus on your recovery, we will do the heavy lifting of the claims process.

Call an Experienced Injury Lawyer at Regan Zambri Long for Your Beltway Car Accident Today.

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Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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