
Richmond, VA Personal Injury Lawyers

Richmond, Virginia Personal Injury Attorney

We never expect an accident to occur. And suffering an injury can definitely affect your life, causing anxiety, frustration, and pain. Unfortunately, when negligent and reckless behavior causes your injuries, you may be facing a huge debt. While we cannot undo the damage that has been done, our personal injury attorneys in Richmond, VA can hold the at-fault party responsible and get you the compensation you need to recover from your losses.

Don't go through the aftermath of a serious accident alone. Contact Regan Zambri Long PLLC today.

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Why Choose Regan Zambri Long to Help with Your Richmond Personal Injury Claim?

A personal injury claim can be difficult to navigate. Not only do you have to negotiate with the insurance company to get a fair settlement, but you have to deal with the aftermath of an accident. Doctor’s visits, lost time at work, physical pain, and repair bills all need to be dealt when you should be focusing on your recovery. What you need  is an advocate for your rights. You need a personal injury lawyer who can get the evidence needed to prove who is at fault and go head-to-head against the insurance company.

$77M Wrongful Death Settlement
$20M Brain Injury Verdict
$19.5M Wrongful Death Verdict
$16M Premises Liability Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Verdict
$14M Personal Injury Settlement
$14M Car Accident Settlement
$11M Med. Malpractice Settlement

That’s why you need a reliable and dedicated Richmond injury lawyer with the following qualities:

  • Experience – With over 100 years of combined experience, Regan Zambri Long has represented numerous clients in a variety of personal injury claims. We have a vast knowledge of navigating the court systems and negotiating with insurance companies for just compensation for our injury clients.
  • Resources – Not every law firm has the resources needed to take on a complex personal injury claim. To prove who is responsible, evidence will need to be collected. We also rely on a team of experts to investigate the accident and examine your medical records to get a better understanding of what happened.
  • Results – Over the years, we’ve won millions of dollars in restitution and settlements for our clients. The results we’ve achieved for our clients have received national attention from legal publications as well as from our peers. We have received accolades from major legal organizations across the country.
  • High reviews, referrals, and resources – our vast experience, success, and adequate resources have established our attorneys as thought leaders in personal injury law. Often, other lawyers and law firms seek our services or direct their clients to us.
  • High client satisfaction – our impressive results are enough proof of our impeccable success. You can refer to our client testimonials to understand more.

There are over 1.33 million attorneys to choose from. So it’s easy to see why hiring the best one is tricky but also vital. So for the best results, contact the best Richmond personal injury lawyers at Regan Zambri Long.

5 stars Fallen worker at worksite with safety helmet on floor

What Compensation Can I Receive After a Serious Personal Injury?

Each personal injury case is unique, and there’s no average amount an injury may receive. Instead, several factors are considered to determine the amount in restitution you’ll be awarded.

It’s important to note that Virginia’s contributory negligence statute states that you can’t recover any damages in a personal injury lawsuit if you are found to be even 1% at fault for the accident. That’s why it’s so important to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Richmond immediately after an accident. Our experienced personal injury lawyers can protect the evidence needed to prove that you bear no responsibility for the accident.

If you are found to have no fault, you’ll be able to recover damages including:

  • Current and future medical bills – These bills include hospital stays and all bills incurred while there, such as ambulance rides, X-rays, drugs, and any other medical devices used. In some cases, such as catastrophic injuries, you might require long-term care, therapy, and rehabilitation.
  • Pain and suffering – Catastrophic injuries result in immense physical and cognitive trauma. To recover pain and suffering, factors include the severity of your injuries and the impact the accident had on the quality of your life.
  • Wrongful or accidental death – If your loved one dies in an accident as a result of someone else’s negligence, the family does have the opportunity to file a lawsuit to help pay for funeral and burial expenses.
  • Property damages – Property damage compensation can help pay for repair bills or replace any property that had been destroyed in the accident.
  • Loss of current and future wages – If the accident caused you to miss any time from work, you could receive compensation. This includes vacation time and PTO.
  • Punitive damages – In rare cases, punitive damages may be awarded. This type of compensation is aimed at punishing the at-fault party and deterring similar negligence in the future.

Ensure you receive just compensation. Allow a Richmond, VA personal injury lawyer from Regan Zambri Long to represent you and fight for your rights.

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What Types of Cases Does a Richmond, VA Personal Injury Lawyer Handle?

Going through a personal injury or loss of a loved one can be a harrowing experience. Are you suffering from a serious injury caused by someone else’s negligence? You have the right to seek compensation for your medical costs and other damages. If you or a family member suffered harm due to medical negligence, you can seek compensation from the hospital or facility responsible.

Our Richmond, VA personal injury attorneys have vast experience in handling multiple types of personal injury claims, including:

Car Accidents

In Virginia, the number of fatal collisions has steadily been increasing over the years. According to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, there were 847 fatalities throughout the Commonwealth in 2020. This is an increase over the past five years and the trend does not look like it’s slowing down any time soon.

Auto accident victims can face thousands of dollars in bills. And with the insurance company continuously pressuring you to accept a lowball settlement offer, it’s understandable that you are frustrated and anxious about your future. Our Virginia car accident lawyers help you recover damages if you’ve sustained grave injuries or have lost a loved one.

Truck Accidents

The sheer size and speed of a commercial truck can easily result in a catastrophic accident, leading to serious injuries and accidental death. Truck accident victims will soon find it difficult to navigate personal injury claims in a truck accident case since there could be multiple parties involved. The trucking company may find a way to place the blame on you and make sure the evidence quickly disappears before you have a chance to file a lawsuit.

What you need is a Virginia truck accident attorney in Richmond to have our response team respond to the scene as soon as possible and get the evidence needed to prove who is at fault for the trucking accident.

Medical Malpractice

We put our lives in the hands of medical professionals. And when that medical professional is negligent in your care, serious consequences could be the result.

According to a study from Johns Hopkins, medical errors is the third-leading cause of death in the United States. Although not all medical errors are a result of medical malpractice, when an error is caused by negligent actions and results in a serious injury, you do have the right to file a lawsuit against the at-fault parties.

Our Virginia medical malpractice lawyers represent you to recover damages or loss of a loved one caused by a medical caregiver’s error, negligence, or carelessness.

Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one is brutal, more so if the death is sudden and could have been prevented. Many times, it can be overwhelming to those left behind. You and your family will need to deal with all the aspects of an accident while trying to grieve and move on.

If your loved one has lost their life because of someone else, you do have the right to compensation. Contact a compassionate attorney in Virginia as soon as possible to learn your legal options.

Catastrophic Accidents

Catastrophic injuries can leave you permanently impaired, such as brain injury, spinal cord injury, or traumatic brain injury. Such injuries cause a drastic change in your life forever, not to mention you’ll require funds for recovery. A catastrophic injury lawyer at Regan Zambri Long can help you get the compensation you need for your recovery.

Premises Liability

Property owners must maintain a hazard-free environment or put up warnings in case of any hazards within their property. Unfortunately, some owners are negligent in obeying this rule. You can end up sustaining an injury on their property which can change your life.

If the property owner or business is negligent in preventing an injury on their property, you have the right to file a premises liability claim against the owners. Let our premises liability attorney in Richmond, VA help you through the process.

Product Liability

Manufacturing and design flaws in various products, such as electronic gadgets, medical equipment, toys, or contaminated food, can cause serious injuries or death. With the help of a product liability lawyer from Regan Zambri Long, you can hold the manufacturer, distributor, assembler, or packers liable for damages.

Construction Accidents

Worker injuries and fatalities in construction sites are common. You deserve compensation if you sustain injuries or lose a loved one due to negligence, such as poor maintenance or oversight on a construction site.

Workers’ Compensation

Work injuries can be confusing because many employees do not understand who will be paying the bills. The workers’ compensation process can be extremely tricky and workers can fear for their jobs after an accident.

Rest assured our workers’ compensation attorney can guide you through the process and help you get compensation if your claim is denied by your employer’s insurance company.

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Nursing facilities are meant to care for our elderly loved ones when they can no longer take care of themselves. But unfortunately, many times the level of care our loved one receives is not where it should be. Thanks to overworked and under trained staff, our loved ones’ care goes neglected.

If your loved ones suffered from medical malpractice, untreated bedsores, or injuries due to improper care or treatment, you have the right to file a claim on their behalf.

Contact our vastly experienced Richmond injury attorneys if you sustain any of these accidents or lose a loved one who has suffered an accidental death.

How Can I Protect My Personal Injury Claim?

If you believe you have a personal injury case but are not sure what your next steps should be, here are a few ways you can protect your claim before you have a chance to speak with our experienced personal injury lawyers:

  • Start gathering all the evidence you have access to for your case. This includes a copy of the incident report, photos or videos you have of the scene, and a list of all the expenses related to the accident.
  • It’s always a good idea to keep a record of any doctor’s visits or missed work caused by the injury. You also want to keep the contact information of any witnesses or other parties involved.
  • Avoid speaking with the at-fault party’s insurance company. This may be difficult because the adjuster will be calling constantly to get your side of the story. But remember, you are not under any obligation to speak with them. If you do find yourself in a situation where you must talk to them, keep your answers brief and stick to the facts of the case. Don’t go into too much detail about your injuries. And do not allow the adjuster to record your statement.
  • Not only should you avoid speaking to the insurance company, but avoid speaking about it altogether. It’s common to share news about our lives on social media — both the good and the bad. But remember anything you say about the accident can be used against you, and that includes any social media posts you make.

Finally, the most important way to protect your claim is to contact a Richmond personal injury lawyer at Regan Zambri Long. The first consultation is always free and you do not have to pay a fee until your case is settled. If we do not get you the compensation that you deserve, then you do not owe us a fee. It’s that simple.

If you were involved in an accident in Richmond, VA, and need an attorney for your claim, we’re here to help. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Claims in Richmond, Virginia

Does My Personal Injury Claim Require an Expert Witness?

Due to the nature of some injury cases, it’s not enough to present evidence. In some personal injury lawsuits — a medical malpractice case, for example — the court requires an expert witness to explain more about the evidence presented. However, the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) require a witness to be experienced, knowledgeable, skilled, and highly educated in a specified area of expertise, such as medicine, accident reconstruction, and forensics, to mention a few.

Regan Zambri Long has a relationship with several experts that can help your claim. If your injury attorney feels your case requires an expert witness to increase the chances of higher compensation, then they’ll organize accordingly.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer in Richmond to Represent Me?

Virginia law allows you to represent yourself in your personal injury claim. However, you’ll be subject to the same rules and regulations as an attorney. Due to the delicate nature of personal injury cases or losing a loved one, it’s best to have the experienced personal injury lawyers at Regan Zambri Long handle the case. We will pursue all available legal avenues to ensure you get compensated for your injuries.

The Defendant’s Insurer Contacted Me for an Out-of-Court Settlement. What Do I Do?

The main aim of a Richmond personal injury attorney is to help you secure maximum damage recovery. While out-of-court settlements are alternate ways to settle a personal injury case, they aren’t without challenges. After an out-of-court settlement, you might not be able to pursue further legal action against the at-fault party.

Furthermore, insurance companies make profits by paying less compensation than you deserve. Chances are the first settlement offer you receive is the bare minimum of what your claim is worth. It may not take into account any future expenses you may have, such as future surgeries or loss of earning capacity.

So, even though it’s tempting, never accept an out-of-court settlement without consulting an experienced personal injury lawyer first.

I Wasn’t Satisfied with the Court’s Decision. Can a Richmond Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me Appeal?

Suppose you weren’t satisfied with your personal injury claim outcome due to reasons such as mishandling of evidence or juror misconduct. In that case, you could file an appeal to the Virginia Court of Appeals within 30 days of the circuit court’s ruling. Appeals are not a retrial of your original claim. They are complex, time-consuming, and have a lower chance of a different verdict. However, a Richmond personal injury attorney at Regan Zambri Long can increase your chances of a better ruling.

Why Do You Need To Get a Richmond Personal Injury Lawyer Now?

Understandably, you need to recuperate after sustaining a personal injury. In some cases, you need to attend numerous therapy sessions to help you get back on your feet. However, if you don’t file your personal injury claim within two years of the date of sustaining the injuries or accidental death – known as the statute of limitations – you risk your claim being dismissed and losing your chance of justice and damage recovery.

The good news is, your personal injury attorney will handle your case in absentia. Allowing you to focus on the recovery road ahead and to rebuild your life. In addition, your Richmond injury lawyer from Regan Zambri Long will guide and update you on your case every step of the way.

How Long Do Personal Injury Cases Take in Virginia?

Each case is unique and there is no set standard of how long they can take. It all depends on certain factors such as the complexity of your injuries, the number of parties who can be held at fault, and whether it’s clear who is responsible.

In most cases, it can take a few months for the matter to resolve. When the case is more complex, it can take years to reach a resolution. Although this may seem daunting, especially if you need the compensation now, it’s always wise to hire an attorney.

Get in Touch With Our Richmond Personal Injury Lawyers Today

Suffering an injury or losing a loved one due to another party’s recklessness is life-altering. Picking up the pieces to rebuild your life can be an uphill task. Especially if you are unable to provide for your family after the accident or the sole breadwinner had been lost.

Proper legal representation from a personal injury attorney experienced in presenting evidence, legal proceedings, and expert negotiation skills can improve your dire situation. Have you suffered personal injuries due to negligence or lost a loved one? Contact Richmond, VA’s Regan Zambri Long personal injury lawyers and schedule a free case review and consultation.

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Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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