
Frequently Asked Questions About Catastrophic Injuries

Answers to Your Questions About Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries happen suddenly and often without warning, throwing your life into chaos as you try to find some normalcy again. You shouldn’t go through the trial alone and risk losing out on any of the compensation that you are due. Regan Zambri Long has represented many catastrophic injury victims and recovered millions of dollars in compensation for them. We know that you need and deserve both compensation and compassion, and we are willing to fight on your behalf until you are given what you are due.

Below our DC catastrophic injury lawyers answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding catastrophic injuries to help you begin to understand how you can move forward.

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Q: What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is one that leaves the victim significantly and permanently affected. This could be the loss of a limb, partial or full paralysis, spinal cord injury, or brain trauma, though each case must decide and define catastrophic depending on the circumstances. There is no hard and fast legal definition for a catastrophic injury, but typically a catastrophic injury is one for which complete recovery is impossible.

Because a catastrophic injury case will be addressed before all the long-term effects are seen, your legal team must anticipate the future impact of the injury. One primary consequence that defines a catastrophic injury is permanently preventing the victim from gainful employment. Whether it is a physical injury that prevents employment or mental, the inability to provide for one’s self is devastating.

Q: What Are the Long-Term Effects of a Catastrophic Injury?

Though loss of limb or paralysis is catastrophic, other kinds of injuries can prove equally devastating for victims. Some permanent and long-term effects of a catastrophic injury can include:

  • Permanent loss of function, such as paralysis, loss of certain motor skills, hearing, or sight
  • Permanent scarring and/or disfigurement
  • Decline of mental or emotional health
  • Requiring lifelong medical assistance or equipment
  • Inability to find or maintain gainful employment

Q: Can I Recover from a Catastrophic Injury?

By definition, a catastrophic injury is one that has a lasting impact on your life and/or the quality of your life after the injury. You may be able to regain a semblance of your life as it was, but life post-catastrophe will never be the same. A full and total recovery from a truly catastrophic injury does not happen.

Q: What Causes a Catastrophic Injury?

Some of the most common catastrophic injuries include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, severe burns, amputations, and other physical injuries. The results of these injuries can include paralysis; speech, memory and/or behavioral challenges; movement and coordination impairment; and mental and emotional pain and trauma.

While any accident can cause catastrophic injuries, some cause more catastrophic injuries than others. Some of the most common catastrophic accidents include motor vehicle accidents, motorcycle accidents, slips and falls, medical malpractice, recreational activities, defective products, and construction accidents.

Q: Can I Sue for a Catastrophic Injury or Accident?

Jacqueline ColcloughAs with other personal injury cases, you are able to hold the party or parties responsible for your accident accountable. In some cases, multiple parties may be responsible. A driver who caused an accident, a manufacturer who produced defective products, a property owner or manager who neglected to keep the premises safe, or a medical professional who neglected to uphold the duty of care could be liable for the harm hit or her actions caused. A catastrophic injury lawyer from Regan Zambri Long will be able to help you investigate your case and claim compensation from all responsible parties.

Fault can play a large role in your personal injury case, depending on where you live. Some states, such as Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland, still adhere to contributory negligence laws, meaning that if you are found to be in any way responsible for your accident or injury, you may be unable to claim compensation.

Your qualified catastrophic injury lawyer will be able to help you investigate your case and advise on how to pursue compensation. Just because another responsible party claims you share responsibility for an accident does not mean it is true. You should never accept any responsibility until you have consulted with an attorney.

Q: When Should I File a Claim for a Catastrophic Injury?

Whether your injury is catastrophic or not, compensation may be available through a personal injury suit. You should partner with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. If a doctor or medical professional is uncertain about the extent of care you will need now and/or in the future, an experienced catastrophic injury attorney will have experts who can help determine whether your injury is catastrophic, as well as how much compensation to claim so that you are not left paying future medical bills on your own.

Statute of limitations for personal injury suits can vary by state, so the sooner you consult a qualified attorney the better. In Washington, DC, and Maryland, the statute of limitations is three years from the date of the occurrence—though for some circumstances, such as medical negligence or malpractice, the statute of limitations applies to the date the harm or injury was discovered. In Virginia, a personal injury claim must be filed within two years of occurrence or discovery.

Q: How Much Is My Catastrophic Injury Case Worth?

Profile of Sal Zambri Personal Injury LawyerIt’s impossible to know what your catastrophic injury case will be worth before investigating it, however you can expect the payout to be significantly more than other, less severe personal injury cases.

You are entitled to economic damages, covering current and future medical costs including rehabilitation or home modification costs, lost wages and earning potential, and other financial upsets that occur because of your injury. You are also entitled to non-economic damages, including pain and suffering, mental or emotional distress, and other more subjective damages.

When you partner with a catastrophic injury attorney, he or she will be able to help you assess your situation and the various kinds of damages you have suffered.

Q: What Are Catastrophic Injuries in Sports?

The National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research tracks reported catastrophic injuries for all ages and professional levels. The injuries the center tracks include spinal cord and brain injuries, skull or spinal fractures, blunt chest impact that causes cardiac arrest, exertional heat stroke, and sudden cardiac arrest. While many people equate catastrophic sports injuries with contact sports such as football or hockey, several other sports and recreational activities can lead to catastrophic injuries, including swimming, weight lifting, and atv accidents.

Q: How Do I Find a Qualified Catastrophic Injury Lawyer?

patrick reganFinding a good attorney to take your case can be challenging, but the primary qualities to look for are experience and success. An attorney or firm’s website should clearly list out the practice areas and highlight notable case results. When you find a potential candidate who could be a good fit for your catastrophic injury claim, see if you can schedule a free consultation and look at how payment and fees work.

At Regan Zambri Long, PLLC, our attorneys are experienced in various kinds of personal and catastrophic injury cases. We’ve recovered multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements on behalf of our clients and we are committed to doing the same for you. We operate on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t have to pay anything up front and we only collect payment if we win compensation for you. Our team is ready to meet with you in a free consultation to assess your case and advise on the next steps.

Call 202-960-4596 today and make your first move toward the compensation you deserve.

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Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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