As a D.C. resident, you enjoy numerous opportunities to get involved in the political process. If you’re like many locals, your primary form of engagement involves rallies, marches, and other public gatherings. These occasions may be instrumental in sparking change, but they can also be dangerous. Don’t let that stop you from exercising your voice — implement these practices to protect yourself:
Most D.C. political events currently take place outside, where the risk of COVID transmission is reasonably law. Still, the sheer number of people — and the potential for crowds — makes it extra important to use all the typically advised precautions such as wearing a mask and avoiding physical contact. Strive to maintain six feet of distance between other attendees. Be prepared to leave if that’s not possible.
While you won’t want to be burdened by a huge backpack, you’ll still need plenty of water and clothing layers to keep yourself comfortable and safe throughout the duration of the event. Depending on the nature of the gathering, safety tools such as pepper spray may also be worth packing.
Don’t attend rallies alone. Instead, choose a member of your quarantine pod to accompany you. If necessary, find a friend who can join you in a socially distanced manner. Let others who will not be in attendance know where you’ll be and when you expect to return. Bring a portable phone charger to help you remain in touch.
A little planning can go a long way as you prepare to make your voice heard throughout D.C. Play it safe as you exercise your rights.
If you’ve been harmed by negligent or malicious behavior at a political event, contact the personal injury team at Regan Zambri Long learn more about your legal options.
Tagged COVID precautions