With summer right around the corner and temperatures on the rise, many families will soon be looking for ways to get out of the house and cool down. State and local governments are beginning to relax pandemic restrictions in accordance with CDC guidelines, meaning beaches and pools are once again becoming tempting escapes. After being away for so long, it can be easy to forget how dangerous any body of water can be, particularly for children. Before your next trip to the public pool, read through these quick suggestions for the best ways to keep you and your family safe:
The importance of water safety awareness cannot be understated. The CDC names drowning as the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for 1-14 year-olds, preceded only by automobile crashes. This underscores the necessity that at least one CPR-certified adult always be present any time children are swimming. If you have not yet received resuscitation training but you are interested in learning about CPR, the American Red Cross has all the resources you need to find classes and earn your certification. Most importantly, always pay close attention to your surroundings and any children in the area. Drownings can occur in a matter of seconds, and a watchful eye can make all the difference in saving a life.
There are many lesser-known hazards associated with pools as well, including several dangerous potential equipment malfunctions that responsible swimmers must be mindful of. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns of the risk of electrical shocks in and around pools, often the result of underwater lighting or other nearby electrical appliances left unattended or uninspected for too long. If you own your own pool, make sure any associated electronics have been recently inspected by a licensed electrician in accordance with NEC guidelines. If a swimmer does experience an electrical shock, the Red Cross recommends the use of a nonconductive fiberglass hook to rescue them and avoid subjecting bystanders to additional injuries.
Before taking your family to the pool, make sure all children are comfortable swimmers and familiarize them with all safety procedures. Warn them to stay away from pool drains, known to heighten risk of drowning due to their strong suction. Lastly, ensure that they know the proper course of action in case of an emergency and that they know to remain in an area where they can be easily supervised.
If you or a loved one has suffered from the mismanagement of pool spaces or pool equipment, the legal team at Regan Zambri & Long wants to help you find justice. Contact us today for a free consultation.