Hospital administrators are responsible for keeping facilities running seamlessly. It’s not an easy job — opportunities for errors abound. Unfortunately, these errors can prove deadly for vulnerable patients, who depend on the skill of hospital administrators as much as they do on nurses and doctors. Detailed below are among the most common — and deadly — hospital administrator mistakes:
Hiring Decisions
Often, hospital administrators are responsible for overseeing facility personnel. This may mean making final decisions regarding hiring or employee termination. Those who fail to vet new employees appropriately place patients at risk of being cared for by incompetent workers. Likewise, administrators risk patient harm when they fail to terminate employees who have repeatedly failed to abide by the facility’s standard of care.
In addition to hiring highly qualified employees, administrators should ensure that workers receive proper support by staffing facilities appropriately. Understaffing in the pursuit of profit is unacceptable — and highly dangerous for patients.
Developing Safety and Hygiene Protocol
Hospital administrators may be responsible for developing and maintaining strict protocol regarding employee hygiene. By developing such protocol and requiring regular training, administrators can dramatically reduce the potential for hospital-acquired infections. A proactive approach is essential, and yet, many administrators find themselves putting out fires because they failed to pursue the simple, upfront measures needed to protect patient safety.
Maintaining Functional Equipment
Equipment problems can quickly prove deadly in a hospital setting. Hospital administrators must arrange for the careful maintenance of existing equipment and investment in new tools and technology. Faulty equipment should either be repaired or replaced promptly to avoid patient injury.
If you’ve suffered at the hands of a negligent hospital administrator, there’s no room for complacency. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can hold the person responsible for your suffering accountable. The passionate team at Regan Zambri Long PLLC is happy to help. Contact us today to learn more.