
Bethesda, Maryland Car Accident Accident Lawyer

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident in Bethesda?

Are you in pain? Do you have medical bills piling up? Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident is always overwhelming, but you don’t have to figure it out alone. Call the lawyers at Regan Zambri Long – our success is unrivaled in Montgomery County.

Don’t delay, the statue of limitations in Maryland for a car accident is three years from the date of the accident.

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Experienced Bethesda Car Accident Lawyers

Our history of victories in settlement negations combined with our expertise in Bethesda motor vehicle accidents will put you and your personal injury claim at an advantage. Our Bethesda car accident attorneys are passionate about helping car accident victims win the maximum compensation they deserve. Your Bethesda car accident lawyer will work tirelessly to prove the other driver is at fault for the car crash and win your case.

$77M Wrongful Death Settlement
$20M Brain Injury Verdict
$19.5M Wrongful Death Verdict
$16M Premises Liability Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Verdict
$15M Medical Malpractice Settlement
$14M Personal Injury Settlement
$14M Car Accident Settlement

Dangerous Roads in Bethesda, Maryland

If you have driven in Bethesda, Maryland you have probably experienced the traffic firsthand. Bethesda is home to many DC area commuters. Commuters driving from areas like Bethesda toward Washington DC can top 1 million per day! When you combine that with local traffic, the number of vehicles on the roads can become dangerous. We all know, the more vehicles on the road, the higher chance of a motor vehicle accident.

Some of the most dangerous roadways in Bethesda include:

  • Old Georgetown Road
  • Rockville Pike
  • Frederick Road
  • Capital Beltway

While these roadways are statistically dangerous, anytime you drive on a roadway in Bethesda you take a risk of getting into a car accident. The car accident claims in Bethesda Maryland are significant, with over 500 reported fatalities across the state in 2022 alone.

5 stars teen texting while driving

Causes of Bethesda Car Accidents

Distracted Driving

Many different kinds of behaviors can be considered distracted driving – any task that takes your focus off the road is a distraction. Texting, talking on the phone, eating, putting on makeup, and playing with the radio are common examples. Distracted driving is the most common cause of car accidents in Maryland and across the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nine people in the U.S. are killed per day due to distracted driving.

The CDC classifies distracted driving into three categories:

  • Visual distractions: Taking eyes off the road (i.e. texting while driving)
  • Manual distractions: Taking hands off the wheel (i.e. eating or putting on makeup)
  • Cognitive distractions: Taking your mind off driving (i.e. playing with the radio or talking to a passenger)

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving, or driving while fatigued occurs when a driver nods off or completely falls asleep behind the wheel. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association estimates over 90,000 car accidents were caused by drowsy drivers. Most drowsy driving accidents occur between the hours of midnight to 6 a.m. and can happen on highways or rural back roads.

Poor Road Conditions

We are all aware that bad weather can create poor road conditions. Rain, snow, and ice are extremely dangerous to drive in and should be avoided when possible. However, poor road conditions can also be due to someone else’s negligence. For example, a homeowner who had landscaping done could have left equipment or debris in the street, causing a crash. Or, the Maryland Department of Transportation could have neglected to fill large potholes or uneven pavement.

Loose Cargo

Loose cargo from another motor vehicle can force a driver to make quick and unsafe decisions, often resulting in a car accident. Bethesda, Maryland is located near interstates 270 and 495, which are trucking hubs. An improperly loaded truck can cause cargo to fly off the truck or even make the trailer topple over, causing a massive collision.

Trucking accidents can get very complicated very quickly. Multiple parties can be blamed for any single crash. A Regan Zambri Long Bethesda personal injury lawyer will investigate every aspect of the accident to determine the liable party.


No one likes them, but speed limits are put in place for a reason. The Maryland Department of Transportation sets the speed limits on roadways after performing extensive tests that prove what speeds are safest for motorists. When a driver constantly travels at a speed higher than the posted limit, they put themselves and others in danger of having a car accident.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol

The number of drunk driving accidents is alarming. In 2019, reported 167 drunk driving fatalities across the state of Maryland. Driving under the influence can cause slower reaction times, impaired cognitive abilities, and drowsy driving.

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Common Types of Bethesda Car Accidents

Different types of vehicle accidents can cause different injuries to passengers and damage to your property. The most common accidents seen in Bethesda are:

T-Bone Accident

A t-bone accident is when a car runs into another vehicle’s side. This most often happens at intersections. T-bone accidents can cause catastrophic injuries to the passengers in the car, especially the ones who were directly hit by the other motor vehicle.

Rear-end Accident

Rear-end accidents happen quite often in Bethesda because of the significant amount of traffic every day. The vast majority of rear-end accidents happen because of speeding. When drivers travel over the speed limit, it doesn’t allow enough time to properly stop, causing them to hit the car in front of them.

The safest thing you can do as a driver is to create distance between your vehicle and another motor vehicle. Never get too close to the car in front of you or you will put yourself at risk for a rear-end accident. The car in the back is almost always blamed as the at-fault driver. If you have been in a rear-end accident, either as the front or the rear vehicle, call an experienced attorney at Regan Zambri Long to get a fair settlement.

Sideswipe Accident

A sideswipe accident often occurs on the highway during an unsafe merge. Have you ever had to slam on the brakes because a car was merging towards you? You were likely in that car’s blind spot. Safety features such as sensors and cameras have helped minimize sideswipe accidents but they do still occur, causing major damage to the accident victims.

Head-on Collisions

A head-on collision is very traumatizing. As the name suggests, a head-on collision happens when two cars traveling in the opposite direction hit each other. Because of the extra force, head-on collisions often result in very severe personal injuries and even death. In fact, 14% of all U.S. traffic fatalities are from head-on collisions.

Rollover Crash

Rollover crashes are rare but can be deadly. A rollover crash is when a vehicle tips on its side or roof during an accident. It can result in grave injuries and completely total your car. If you have ever seen a car rolled over it is quite shocking to see a car on its top.

No matter what kind of car accident you have experienced, our Bethesda car accident lawyers at Regan Zambri Long are ready to help. We know how to evaluate the accident and recover compensation for all your losses. Call today for a free consultation.

Common Injuries in Bethesda Car Accidents

Car accidents cause a wide variety of injuries, from chronic pain to life-altering medical complications. Our personal injury lawyers will work around the clock to ensure your current and future medical bills are covered.

Injuries from car accidents can include:

  • Brain injury, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and concussions.
  • Spinal cord injuries, including partial or complete paralysis.
  • Lacerations.
  • Burns.
  • Broken bones and fractures, may require surgery.
  • Soft tissue injuries, can cause chronic pain for the rest of your life.
  • Bruising
  • Amputation
  • Wrongful death
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Bethesda Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What kind of damages can I recover in a Bethesda car accident?

A: There are four types of damages a Regan Zambri Long car accident lawyer will fight to collect. They include:
Economic damages: Economic damages are compensation awarded to the victim for tangible expenses. They are easily calculated and provable in negotiations or trials. They include current and future medical expenses, compensation for property damage, lost wages, and loss of future earning capacity.

Non-economic damages

This form of compensation is harder to calculate. Non-economic damages include pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is a legal term that refers to the physical discomfort and emotional distress a victim may suffer after a car accident. Chronic pain, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and post-traumatic stress disorder are all considered non-economic damages.

Punitive damages

While economic damages and non-economic damages are meant to award the victim, punitive damages are meant to punish the defendant. The Regan Zambri Long lawyers will file for punitive damage if the defendant’s actions were on purpose and malicious. Your lawyer would have to prove that the defendant knew the harm they were causing and continued to act anyway.

Wrongful death

In the most tragic Bethesda car accident cases, a loved one will succumb to their injuries. In these cases, the Regan Zambri Long lawyers will do everything in our power to make sure the family left behind is financially compensated. We will sue for lost wages, medical bills, funeral, and burial costs. We understand nothing can bring back your loved one, but we will work to ensure your family’s financial stability will not suffer because of the loss of your loved one.

Our law firm is well prepared to recover the maximum amount of damages in a car accident lawsuit. We have the monetary resources to see your case through to the very end, whether we win a favorable settlement during negotiations with the insurance company or if we go to trial.

Q: Can I win my case if I was not wearing my seat belt?

A: Yes, it is possible to recover damages if you weren’t wearing your seat belt at the time of the accident. However, your chances of recovering financial compensation will greatly increase with a legal advocate by your side. Maryland is one of the five jurisdictions that still practices contributory negligence.

Contributory negligence is a law that states if you are found at fault for any part of your accident, then you cannot recover damages. As an example, let’s take not wearing a seat belt. The other driver’s insurance company will argue that your injuries would be less severe or even non-existent if you were wearing your seat belt. Therefore, they will deny the accident caused the injury and refuse to compensate you.

This is where the Regan Zambri Long lawyers step in. We will work to prove that your accident was caused entirely by the defendant and that your injuries would have been just as significant if you were wearing a safety belt. We work with medical consultants, accident reconstruction, police officers, and other legal experts to build your case.

Q: How long do I have to file my Bethesda car accident lawsuit?

A: The statute of limitations in Maryland for a car accident is three years from the date of the accident. While this may seem like a long time, you may forfeit all rights to compensation if you do not file a personal injury case within that window, you may forfeit all rights to compensation.

Wrongful death cases have the same statute of limitations in Bethesda, Maryland. The family has three years to file the wrongful death claim to recover losses for their loved one.

Q: Is it worth it to hire a lawyer for my Bethesda car accident?

A: There is no rule stating that you must hire a lawyer for your case. However, we cannot stress it enough – if you were in a serious accident it is absolutely in your best interest to hire a lawyer. Our lawyers at Regan Zambri Long are top-notch and are confident we can get you the compensation you deserve.

personal injury lawyers chris regan and pat reganOur law firm works on a contingency basis, which means we don’t take money unless we win your case. Our legal team has won millions for our clients in the 30+ years of practicing law, including $14 million for the victims of an automobile collision. We offer a free initial consultation where you will speak with an experienced car accident attorney who will give you a fair assessment of your case and guide you through the legal process.

At Regan Zambri Long, our lawyers understand we are meeting you and your family at the worst point in your life. We want to take the burden of the legal process off your shoulders so you can focus on your recovery, your health, and moving forward. We will take over every detail of the lawsuit while you work to get your life back after the accident.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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