
Alexandria, Virginia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Do you need help taking legal action? The laws in Virginia can make the personal injury lawsuit process complicated, but our experienced Alexandria motorcycle accident attorneys will take over the important task of recovering compensation for your losses.

Motorcycle accidents present unique challenges and it is in your best interest to seek legal help from our lawyers at Regan Zambri Long. Don’t wait to call us for a free consultation regarding your motorcycle accident. Our Alexandria motorcycle accident lawyers are experts in proving the other driver to be the at-fault party in a motorcycle crash.

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How Can Our Alexandria Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Help You?

If you or your loved one experienced any injuries related to a motorcycle crash, don’t hesitate to call Regan Zambri Long for a free consultation. We have won millions for our clients in Alexandria and across Fairfax County. Our personal injury lawyers in Alexandria, VA deeply understand the court system in Alexandria. We are confident we can build a successful case that will win a settlement or verdict in your favor.

$77M Wrongful Death Settlement
$20M Brain Injury Verdict
$19.5M Wrongful Death Verdict
$16M Premises Liability Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Verdict
$14M Personal Injury Settlement
$14M Car Accident Settlement
$11M Med. Malpractice Settlement

What Are the Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Alexandria?

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, to anyone. Some accidents cannot be avoided. However, others are a result of one party’s negligence. When that happens, our lawyers will step in to recover the compensation you deserve.

Different causes of motorcycle accidents in Alexandria, Virginia are:

  • Distracted driving: Distracted driving puts any motorist in danger, but it can be particularly harmful to motorcyclists. For example, if a driver looks down for even two seconds to send a text, adjust the radio, or speak to a passenger, they can miss the motorcycle traveling in the lane next to them.
  • Low visibility: Due to its size, a motorcycle is much more likely to not be seen. Motorcycles are smaller, less stable, and less secure than other motor vehicles. This puts them at risk of being in a driver’s blind spot. A sideswipe accident, due to low visibility and blind spots, would do damage to a passenger car and perhaps its occupants inside. However, a sideswipe accident with a motorcycle could result in grave injury or death.
  • Speeding: Speed limits are put in place for a reason. Professionals test the roads and post the appropriate speeds to maintain road safety. When the speed limits aren’t followed the risk of not being able to stop and losing control of the motorcycle or other passenger vehicle greatly increases.
  • Driving under the influence: Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol impair your judgment and reduces your reaction time. Drunk drivers are a threat to everyone on the road. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable travelers whose injuries could be far worse when in an accident with a drunk driver.
  • Road conditions: Road hazards that may not be dangerous to a car are extremely dangerous to a motorcycle. Imagine this – grass clippings are similar to ice for a motorcyclist! While a car has enough traction on its wheels to drive over them, a motorcyclist can spin out if there are too many grass clippings on the road. In some situations, homeowners or government agencies can be proven negligent in situations that involve unsafe road conditions.
  • Left turns: A common cause of motorcycle accidents is unsafe left turns due to the low visibility of a motorcycle. A left turn by a distracted passenger vehicle driver can cause a t-bone accident with a motorcyclist.

If you have suffered an injury due to a motorcycle accident in Alexandria, call Regan Zambri Long today to discuss your legal options.

Can a Family Member File a Wrongful Death Suit for a Motorcycle Accident?

According to the National Highway Safety Administration, 6,218 motorcyclists were killed in 2020 alone. Motorcycles make up only about 3% of the vehicles on the road but account for almost 15% of fatalities.

Nothing can take away the pain of losing a loved one, especially when their death could have been avoided. However, we can help you claim the benefits you and your family deserve. In a wrongful death case, our lawyers will help you recover funds for lost wages, funeral expenses, and pain and suffering.

Our Alexandria motorcycle accident lawyers will also help you secure compensation for the loss of consortium. Loss of consortium is another type of personal injury claim. It is a legal term that is used to describe a family member’s loss of benefits when a loved one dies. The benefits can include companionship, affection, love, parental guidance, and comfort.

Alexandria, Virginia has strict laws regarding wrongful death cases. If you believe your loved one was killed in a wrongful death act, contact a Alexandria wrongful death lawyer at Regan Zambri Long for a no-obligation consultation right away.

5 stars motorcycle helmet lying on road after accident

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Injuries in motorcycle accidents vary in severity. Unfortunately, motorcyclists are at greater risk for critical injury than other motor vehicles. Motorcycles don’t have safety features like seatbelts or airbags. Unlike regular motor vehicles, motorcycles are also small and unstable.

The two injuries that are most impactful to a victim in a motorcycle crash are spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries.

Motorcycle Accident Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are very common in motorcycle crashes. These injuries are often permanently debilitating. In the mildest of forms, it can cause a person a lifetime of discomfort. In the most severe cases, it can cause movement disorders and even paralysis.
The US Government Accountability Office reports that a spinal cord injury can cost up to $115 thousand in medical bills alone. That doesn’t account for lost income or other costs, such as in-home care or mental health services.

Motorcycle Accident Brain Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are another type of life-altering injury motorcycle accident victims can suffer. A traumatic brain injury is when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. A TBI can leave a patient unable to walk, talk, or live independently. Accident victims often have extensive hospital stays and must go to rehabilitation. Of course, treatments of any kind are never free. A traumatic brain injury can cost accident victims up to $2 million in medical care.

In addition to the crushing financial burden and the possibility of an altered quality of life for the victim, the victim’s family must also cope with the injuries. Many times, family members must leave jobs, move, or change their way of life to accommodate the victim’s new disabilities.

Financial stresses with long-term medical treatment, lack of work, and a new lifestyle put a strain on relationships and the mental health of the victim and their loved ones.

Other common motorcycle accident injuries

  • Concussion
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Road rash
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
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How Do I Prove Negligence in a Motorcycle Accident?

The term negligence is when one party fails to perform a duty they have to another party. That failure results in injury or other losses. Negligence is key to a personal injury case. Types of negligence include a driver failing to control their vehicle, disobeying traffic laws, distracted driving, reckless driving, drowsy driving, and failure to use safety features.

Here are the four steps your Regan Zambri Long motorcycle accident attorney will take to prove your case:

What Should I Do After an Alexandria Motorcycle Accident?

There are several steps you can take to try to ensure your and your passenger’s safety after an accident.

If you are able, call 911. If the other driver tries to pressure you not to call, do not listen. Injuries can develop or worsen over time. You need medical assistance right away.

If your medical needs have been met, you can start recording the accident scene. Take pictures and videos of your motorcycle and the other car. Document your injuries and any personal property that was damaged in the accident.

Record any witness statements and take down their contact information. Try to collect the information of the other driver, as well. This includes license plates, insurance IDs, licenses, and phone numbers. If the driver refuses to give you the information, do not worry. It will all be recorded in the police report. Make sure you take down the name and badge number of the police officers on the scene.

It is very important to never admit fault, even if you think you may be at fault. Never say anything like “I’m sorry.” This can be used against you in your motorcycle accident claim.

Lastly, do not accept any offers from an insurance company. Do not even speak with your insurance company until you have a legal advocate by your side. We will help you review your legal options before moving forward.

5 stars Bike Accident lawyers

Need Legal Help with an Alexandria Motorcycle Accident?

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Frequently Asked Questions About Motorcycle Accidents in Alexandria

Q: Can I win a motorcycle accident lawsuit if I wasn’t wearing a helmet?

A: If you suffer head injuries from a motorcycle accident and weren’t wearing a helmet, it may affect your compensation. The state of Virginia practices contributory negligence. Contributory negligence states that if an injured person contributes to an accident in any way, he or she cannot collect compensation. For example, a reckless driver may hit a motorcyclist and cause significant head injuries. However, if the motorcyclist was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, the accident victim will have had a very difficult time seeking compensation.

Your best chance at recovering compensation is having a motorcycle accident attorney by your side. The other party will likely say that your injuries would have been less severe if you had been wearing a helmet. We will work around the clock to disprove that. Although contributory negligence laws present a unique challenge in your case, we are confident we can win a favorable settlement. Our Alexandria motorcycle accident attorneys will work around the clock to recover the maximum compensation.

Q: What can I recover from my motorcycle accident claim?

A: Your Regan Zambri Long motorcycle accident lawyer will work to recover economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages include current and future medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. If you missed work due to your injuries, we will make sure you are reimbursed. Every penny of your hospital bill, medications, physical therapy, etc. will be covered. If you lose your job because your injury prevents you from going back to work, we will make sure your financial future is secure.

Property damage can include more than just your motorcycle. It can include your clothing, helmet, and any cargo as well. Take note of everything that was lost and we will work around the clock to recover it all.

Non-economic damages are a bit more difficult to calculate. However, our lawyers at Regan Zambri Long have recovered millions for our clients in non-economic damages. We will make sure you are compensated for emotional trauma, mental anguish, pain and suffering, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

Q: Who could be held liable for my motorcycle accident?

A: Many different parties could be held responsible for a motorcycle accident. They can include:

While it can seem like an enormous task to figure out who is responsible for your accident, there is good news. You do not have to do it alone. Our law firm has over three decades of experience in personal injury cases. We know we can help you.

Q: Do I need to hire a lawyer for a motorcycle accident?

A: It is in your best interest to hire a lawyer for a motorcycle accident. Being an injured motorcyclist can be scary and the lawyers at Regan Zambri Long will make the experience less complicated and stressful for you and your family. We will take the guesswork out, make sure the tiresome paperwork is completed correctly and on time, and we will take on negotiations with large insurance companies.

Our Alexandria motorcycle accident lawyers perform thorough investigations. Since we have abundant financial resources, we can use accident reconstruction, medical consultation, and other legal experts to build your case. We will work with motor vehicle insurance companies, medical companies, your health insurance company, and the police. The best part is: we do not get paid unless we win. You read that correctly. You will not pay a dime until we recover compensation for you.

Q: How do I pay for a motorcycle accident lawyer?

A: Regan Zambri Long works on a contingency basis. This means that we take a risk and we don’t get paid until you get compensated for your motorcycle accident. That’s how confident we are in our ability to recover the highest compensation possible. We understand this is the scariest time in your life. We want to put you and your family at ease.

Let us do the work and fight for your rights while you and your family focus on moving toward a brighter future.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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