ClickCease Washington, DC Bicycle Accident Lawyer | DC Bike Accident Attorney

Washington, DC Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Drivers are told to share the road and keep a careful eye out for bicyclists, but it doesn’t always happen. If you were injured in an accident by a motorist while riding your bike, a leading Washington, DC bicycle accident lawyer at Regan Zambri Long will protect your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. We help victims of bike crashes claim damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Whether you’re ready to pursue legal action or unsure if a legal claim is the best path for you, one of our DC bike accident lawyers is ready to discuss your accident case.

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Bicycle Accidents Are Too Common in Washington, DC

Bicycle accidents are much more common than you might realize. According to the Washington DC’s District Department of Transportation, over the past five years, an average of 334 bicycle accidents occurred each year in DC. In just a six-month period between March and August 2019, there were 409 bicyclist-related accidents.

Yet, the number of bicyclists in DC continues to increase. Recent statistics have found the number of bicyclists rose almost 25 percent between 2006 and 2019, from approximately 40 million to nearly 49 million. This makes DC the second largest city with the number of bicyclists on the streets.

Our DC Bike Accident Lawyers Help You Take Legal Action for Your Injuries

Bike accidents are usually devastating to both the injury victim and their family. You should not have to pay the consequences for someone else’s mistakes. If you were injured in a bike crash, the Washington, DC, bicycle accident attorneys at Regan Zambri Long PLLC can help you take legal action.

$77M Wrongful Death Settlement
$20M Brain Injury Verdict
$19.5M Wrongful Death Verdict
$16M Premises Liability Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Settlement
$15.2M Wrongful Death Verdict
$14M Personal Injury Settlement
$14M Car Accident Settlement
$11M Med. Malpractice Settlement

Our DC bike accident lawyer can help you file a claim to recover the compensation you need to pay for accident injury-related costs, such as medical care and lost wages. Recently, our firm obtained a settlement of $3 million in a bicycle accident claim against WMATA. In that case, we worked on behalf of a bicyclist who suffered severe injuries after being hit by a Metro bus.

A DC Bike Crash Lawyer Can Protect Your Rights

Once you hire a Washington, DC, bicycle accident lawyer from Regan Zambri Long, we will investigate your accident claim and gather the evidence needed to prove who is at fault for the bicycle crash. When we discover the full extent of your bicycle accident claim, we will start negotiations with the insurance company to make sure you get the appropriate amount of compensation for your bicycle accident. Our experienced DC personal injury lawyers are prepared to go to trial to protect your rights if negotiations break down

Speaking with the insurance company on your own can be a time-consuming and difficult process. The accident insurance adjuster will try to settle your claim with the least amount of money possible. They may try to bully you until taking the first settlement offered. Don’t do it. Instead, contact a DC bicycle accident attorney at Regan Zambri Long today to schedule a free consultation.

Partner Paul J. Cornoni Explains
Bicycle Accidents and Contributory Negligence


5 stars capital bikeshare accident

Why You Need a DC Bicycle Accident Attorney

Bicycle accidents can leave victims severely injured, even fatally. Bike riders who have been hit by a car or a truck may recover accident damages through a personal injury lawsuit, as the laws and regulations in Washington, DC, protect them. Accident victims can first submit an accident claim with their car or health insurance. However, many bicycle accidents result in catastrophic injuries that require extensive medical treatment. Often, your insurance will pay only the limits of your policy, and then it will be up to you to pay out of pocket. That’s when you turn to a DC bike accident lawyer at Regan Zambri Long to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party to recover accident damages.

Under DC law, bicyclists have all the same duties and privileges as those driving motor vehicles. As with car accidents, bicycle accidents should be reported to the police. The police will come to the scene to investigate the accident, including interviewing the involved parties and witnesses and gathering evidence to decide the fault of the accident. A cyclist hit by a car should gather evidence, if they are able, including pictures or videos, and get basic contact information from the driver and witnesses.

To claim compensation for accident damages after a bike crash in Washington, DC, you must prove the negligence or wrongful act of the at-fault party. An injured cyclist should receive medical care immediately after the accident and document injuries, medical conditions, or treatments necessitated by the accident.

Insurance policies often cover bike accident damages, but accident insurance settlements outside of court often won’t fully cover the total costs of the medical expenses, suffering, or death directly caused by the accident.

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How Is Liability Determined in a Bicycle Accident in Washington, DC?

To prove who is responsible for your injuries, your Washington, DC, bicycle accident lawyer will need to show the following:

Does the Contributory Negligence Law Apply to Bike Riders After Bicycle Accidents?

Washington, DC, is one of five jurisdictions (including Virginia and Maryland) that follow the contributory negligence doctrine. This law means that if someone is found even 1 percent at fault for a bicycle accident, they cannot recover damages for their injuries.

However, DC had recently passed a new code that makes an exception to this rule for “vulnerable users.” According to the law, a vulnerable user is defined as “using an all-terrain vehicle, bicycle, dirt bike, electric mobility device, motorcycle, motorized bicycle, motor-driven cycle, non-motorized scooter, personal mobility device, skateboard or other similar devices.”

Thanks to the change in the law, pedestrians, cyclists, and scooter riders now have the opportunity to sue for damages even if they share some fault in the bicycle accident.

Who Can Be Held Responsible for My Bicycle Accident Injury?

The driver of a motor vehicle is not always the only one at fault for a bicycle accident. In some cases, multiple parties can be held responsible for your bicycle accident, such as:

To discover who is responsible for your injuries, it’s essential to speak with a Washington, DC, bicycle accident lawyer to start the investigation.

How Quickly Should I File a Bicycle Accident Lawsuit?

According to the Washington, DC, statute of limitations, personal injury claims must be brought to the local court within three years.

We advise you to file a claim as soon as possible if you want to pursue a legal claim to recover significant damages from a bicycle accident. Evidence can quickly disappear the longer you wait, and memories fade. Contact a personal injury lawyer at Regan Zambri Long today to protect your claims. With decades of experience in bicycle accidents, we understand the complexities of the laws and will help you get the compensation you deserve.

Insurance companies often attempt to dismiss bike accident claims or propose inadequate settlements. They might search for a reason to reject your claim, such as alleged negligence before the accident. To ensure you receive a comprehensive and fair offer, consult one of our specialized bicycle accident lawyers in Washington, DC. At Regan Zambri Long, we have a proven track record of successfully handling such cases.


What Compensation Can You Receive from a Bike Accident Claim?

When a bicycle accident causes a serious injury, long-term suffering, life-altering conditions, or death, a Washington, DC bicycle accident lawyer can help a victim or a decedent’s family pursue a legal claim. The purpose of the claim is to collect compensation for damages that have occurred as a result of the at-fault driver’s negligence or wrongful act.

Our firm has a deep history of success in helping claim the maximum amount of compensation for our clients who’ve been greatly affected by a bicycle crash. Common bicycle accident damages that we help recover for our clients include:

  • Medical bills and expenses
  • Lost wages and future wages
  • Mental and physical pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death
  • Noneconomic or general damages

No matter the claim you’re considering, we’re here to help, and we can answer any questions you have about your case during your free case evaluation.

5 stars Washington, DC bicycle accident lawyer Patrick Regan

Contact Our Washington, DC Bicycle Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation Today
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What Are the Most Common Types of Bicycle Accidents?

A bike accident can occur in virtually any circumstance, especially if a negligent or distracted motorist fails to notice a bicyclist. While cyclists cannot always avoid crashes caused by negligent drivers, you may be able to lower your risk of serious personal injuries by being familiar with common types of bicycle accidents, such as:

What Are the Most Common Injuries in Bicycle Accidents?

Like crashes involving pedestrians, since the bike rider has little to no protection from the force of the vehicle, serious injuries can occur. Some of the most common cyclist injuries include:

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries may have long-term symptoms and effects, including permanent impairment. Wearing a bike helmet can help decrease your risk of brain trauma; although if you are over 16, you are not legally required to wear a helmet. However, insurance companies may try to reduce your settlement if you were not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash.

Spinal Cord Injury

The force of impact with a vehicle or surrounding objects may cause neck and spinal cord injuries. Depending on the extent of the damage, permanent paralysis below the site of the injury may occur.

Bone Fractures

Broken bones and multiple fractures may require surgical intervention, extensive healing times, and serious permanent disability.

Nerve, Muscle, and Tissue Damage

In some cases, a cyclist may suffer extensive and potentially disfiguring lacerations and degloving injuries. This may cause permanent impairment if nerves and muscles are damaged.

Wrongful Death

All too often, cycling injuries may be widespread and serious enough to cause wrongful death. This is especially true if the accident occurs at high speeds. In the case of a bicyclist losing their life, the family has the option to file a personal injury lawsuit on their behalf to collect damages, including funeral and burial costs.

Our Bike Accident Attorneys Will Fight for Fair Compensation for Your Injuries

A bicycle injury as the result of an accident may require extensive treatment and rehabilitation. Additionally, you may be unable to return to cycling, work, or your previous quality of life. You may be entitled to substantial compensation in these situations, which should cover the cost of your medical bills, bike repair or replacement, and other damages.

What Happens if You Get Into a Bike Accident in DC?

Like any type of car accident, what you do following a Washington, DC bicycle accident is crucial to your accident claim. If you get into an accident, your first step is to get to safety and call 911. Wait for the police to arrive so you can file a police report.

While waiting for the police at the accident scene, ensure you get the contact information of everyone involved in the accident. It’s also an excellent time to get photos and videos of the accident scene, including damage to your bicycle, the car involved, and your injuries.

Once the emergency services arrive and you give your statement to the police officer, get checked by medical professionals, even if you don’t think you’re injured. Unfortunately, bicyclists may not feel the effects of the accident until hours later, and what seemed like a minor bump on the head could quickly become a brain injury.

Preserve any evidence you have of the accident. That means leaving your bike, clothing, and any other damaged property in the same state after the accident. Take photos of the equipment. You’ll also want to keep a record of any medical treatment or time away from work due to the accident.

Finally, speak to a Washington, DC, bicycle accident attorney as soon as possible. Bicycling accidents are very complex, and you’ll need legal advice on your next steps, such as negotiating with the insurance company or whether your case will end up in the courtroom.

Contact our Washington, DC office today to schedule a free accident case evaluation with a bicycle accident lawyer.

Other Personal Injury Claims We Handle in Washington, DC

Schedule a Free Consultation

Have you or your loved one sustained injuries in Washington DC, Maryland or Virginia? Regan Zambri Long PLLC has the best lawyers in the country to analyze your case and answer the questions you may have.

Call 202-960-4596

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