05/18/16   |   By

Safety Tips | National Bike to Work Day

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In recent years, biking has been touted as a better way to commute to work. National Bike to Work Day occurs this year on Friday, May 20. While biking to work may be great for the environment and your personal health, sharing the road with other commuting vehicles can be extremely dangerous. Over 100 cyclists have died in the Washington area over the past 30 years. Listed below are several commonsense tips to stay safe and accident free during your ride to work this Friday:

  • Wear a helmet. For many years, this continues to be the number one advice given to cyclists. Even though the District of Columbia does not require adult riders to wear helmets, wearing one is still the best way to prevent facial and brain injuries should an accident occur.
  • Use extreme caution in intersections. Most bike accidents in the DMV area happen in intersections.
  • Know and obey the local rules regarding bike lanes. Rules vary widely throughout the DC Metro area.
  • Make sure your bike is in safe operating condition prior to commute, an often over-looked piece of safety advice for many bikers.
  • Keep distractions to a minimum while biking. Paying attention to other drivers and bikers is a full time job; don’t complicate it by wearing earbuds.

For more information on how to drive in this season, see 7 Spring Driving Tips.

Our Washington D.C. personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation after an accident. Call or email us for a consultation.

Regan Zambri Long
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