A recent CDC study shows that the average prevalence of CP is 3.3 per 1,000 8-year-old children or 1 in 303 children. Click here to listen to a podcast on Cerebral Palsy.
According to the CDC, “the signs of cerebral palsy vary greatly. The main sign is a delay reaching the motor or movement milestones. Click here for a milestone checklist and here for the spanish version.
A child over 2 months with cerebral palsy might:
A child over 6 months with cerebral palsy might:
A child over 10 months with cerebral palsy might:
A child over 12 months with cerebral palsy might:
A child over 24 months with cerebral palsy might:
Cerebral palsy is caused by a problem in the brain. There are multiple possible causes including problems with the blood supply to the brain before or during child birth, bleeding in the brain, lack of oxygen, and head injury.
If you think your child has cerebral palsy talk to your pediatrician right away to get a thorough evaluation. If you think the cause may be a result of child birth you can contact us for a free confidential medical-legal evaluation.