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Prom and Homecoming Driving Safety Tips | DC Metro Area Personal Injury Law Blog

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Homecoming and prom seasons provide opportunities for parents to take some time to educate their children of the potential dangers of school dance nights. Take steps to protect yourself, your kids, and other people on the road. Here are three important driving tips. (Even more tips here, if you’re curious): 1.    Set driving rules well before the dance. Don’t wait until the night before the big dance to have the “safe driving talk” with your teenager. Make the safe driving conversation an ongoing conversation, and don’t be afraid to field tough questions about the process. Go over contingencies. What should your teen do if a friend drinks or does drugs and gets behind the wheel? Whom should she call and when? Go over these contingencies in an honest and safe way, so your teen can feel comfortable reaching out to you. 2.    Consider an “anytime you need a ride, no questions asked” option for your teenager. A teenager who breaks the rules by drinking, doing drugs, or hanging out with dangerous kids may feel scared or embarrassed by the behavior and compound it by making panicked decisions. For instance, if your teenager knows you will yell at him for drinking, he may avoid calling you for a ride and get into a car with a drunk friend, instead. Many parents have established a “you get a ride any time, no questions asked” policy, so that their kids can get home safely.

Of course, if you do establish this policy, stick to it! Honor your teen’s trust, but also protect him or her from dangers.

3.    Consider using a Limo or Taxi service.

Teenagers generally do not like to be shepherded to and from dances by their parents. You might want to take the pressure off of them and you by hiring a limo service or a taxi service on the night of the dance. Perhaps, for instance, you and several others parents can pool your resources to pay for cabs.

If your child was injured after prom or a homecoming dance, or if you need other assistance with a potential personal injury case, the effective and qualified Washington D.C. car accident attorneys here at Regan Zambri & Long would be happy to provide a free and confidential consultation.

Get the facts about local driving laws. Check out: Drivers Beware: Virginia and Maryland Enacted New Laws July 1

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