07/18/16   |   By

How to Reduce Your Safety Risk on the Washington D.C. Metro

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A story in the Washingtonian describes how lawyer Pat Regan has spent 30 years suing the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority over major disasters as well as minor malfunctions. Despite the problems with the Metro, Regan continues to use it regularly. However, his work has made him aware of ways to minimize the likelihood of becoming the victim of a crash and incurring personal harm. The discussion below details his safety insights.

Where and How to Ride

Regan believes the center cars of the train are the safest. He explains that most of the serious injuries occur in the first car, while most of the fatalities occur in the last one. In addition, rather than sitting, he always stands and positions himself close to the door in case an emergency occurs.

What Car to Avoid

Watch out for a 1000-system car that has mismatched vinyl seats and soiled carpets. The light orange color indicates its advanced age, as this was the original hue of the rail system’s cars. Regan strongly advises people against riding in this car, which has an exterior corner number starting with the numeral 1.

How to Evacuate

When the Metro doesn’t evacuate people fast enough, Regan advocates evacuating yourself. He says you can pull the emergency release near the middle doors to exit easily from the train.

Undoubtedly, Regan’s recommendations will help protect the subway riders from the horror and injuries associated with a tragic malfunction. For more information, see Patrick Regan Talks Metro Trains in Washingtonian Magazine.

Our Washington D.C. personal injury attorneys can suggest a smart, tested strategy for how to seek compensation after an accident. Call or email us for a consultation.

Regan Zambri Long
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