05/11/18   |   By

School Field Trip Safety Tips

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For most schools, springtime is field trip time—an opportunity for kids to experience learning outside the classroom (especially since they won’t be paying much attention inside the classroom). However, keeping all children safe and accounted for on a field trip is a bit of a challenge, and things can go wrong even with the most conscientious people in charge (not that you can count on everyone being conscientious). Be proactive and help your child stay safe on her field trip with these simple tips.

Know Where They Are Going

Find out from the trip coordinators where the group is going, when, and for how long. Get contact information for the facility, museum or other location. If (heaven forbid) your child gets stranded, you’ll have a better starting point to find her.

Provide ID and Contact Information.

Make sure your child has their name and your contact information on their person at all times—preferably in several places for younger children, in case something gets lost. Stick it in a coat pocket, jeans pocket, backpack and so on. If your child gets lost, make sure an adult has a way to contact you when your child is found.

Make Sure Your Child Knows What to Do

What happens if your child wanders away from the group accidentally and gets separated? Does he know what to do—who is a “safe” stranger to talk to? Make sure he knows how to look for the right people—for example, people with an ID badge in a facility or factory, or policemen/firemen outside—and how to ask for help. Provide a cell phone and make sure your child knows how to use it in case of emergency. Also, make sure your child knows how to yell loudly and resist if an unknown stranger tries to lure her away from the group.

Look, Don’t Touch

Field trips breed natural curiosity. If the field trip is in a facility with large, dangerous machinery or moving parts, remind your child to keep his hands to himself and resist the urge to touch strange objects unless the instructor specifically says it’s safe.

Following these field trip safety tips will help your child have a wonderful time while maintaining your peace of mind. Even so, if a child gets hurt due to someone’s negligence, we are here to help. Call our Washington D.C. personal injury attorneys to learn more.

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